Tuesday at 12:30 noon

For people who have time during the day, be it on a voluntary or involuntary basis: people who do not work regularly, unemployed people, bohemians and free spirits, freelancers, and people who would like to spend time during their lunch breaks a bit differently once a week. For individuals in transition, the sliding scale is particularly wide in this case.

costs: 0 to 130 Euro per month
A “taster meeting” is free of charge.


No time during the day? Maybe this fits here:

Tuesday 6:15 pm: new PROJEKT_BAND under construction

Wedneysday 4:30 pm: PROJEKT_BAND for women* und queers
Wedneysday 6:15 pm: new PROJEKT_BAND under construction

Thursday 5:00 pm: 5 O’CLOCKS
Thursday 6:30 pm: PROJEKT_BAND for All