The Frizu Lounge is a place for networking, doing things together and expanding skills.

There are free meetings, offers that are by donation andoffers where a fee is charged.

For the offers where a fee is charged, the fee is determined on a sliding scale basis. A sliding scale is for example 10 to 20 EUR. Each participant must decide how much she_he can afford to spend within the sliding scale.

The questions that can help you decide how much to spend are the following: How much money to have to spend each month? How much money do I have each month that surpasses the minimum amount I need to sustain myself? Am I currently going through a tricky financial situation? Do I have a good income at this point? How much do I value “good work”? Am I against the exploitation of people in general and artists in particular?

A “taster meeting” for each of our weekly project courses is possible free of charge.

Anyone who would like to participate but cannot afford the participation fee can contact the Frizu Lounge personally.