SESSION for women * and queers: Monday 16th of September 2024, 7pm
Female* and queer musicians of the most varied of styles meet here and engage in an improvisational exchange. Participation in the sessions is currently only possible after prior registration. Interested parties can contact: – Tel: 030-34764918 – Mobile: 0176-20332076
The session is free of charge, a portion of the room rental is provided.
With advance notification at least 7 days in advance.
PROJEKT_BAND for women* and queers
(regular meeting: wedneysday 4:30 to 6.00pm)
Musicians and singers at various stages of skill and experience can find a place. Musical pieces from different styles will be played. These pieces will be arranged for each specific band formation. There will be many points of input, and ideas from the participants can be integrated into the bands. Inspiration from improvisation will be integrated into these bands. The PROJECT_BANDS take place once a week.
Actual instruments: violin, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, akkordeon, guitar, bass
These and all other instruments are welcome!
For further information please contact: 030-30764918 0176-20332076
Intense groups under construction (Appointments by arrangement):